Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Big show

Big show

he winning and losing and league (and sport) swapping hasn’t stopped The Big Show. At 7ft tall and at times up to 500 pounds, Paul Donald Wight Jr. AKA The Big Show is Huge!!! His on and off battles and bro’s with the McMahons, The Edge, Undertaker, and of course The Miz are stuff of legend. And, who can forget his brawl with Floyd Mayweather that ended with Show getting his nose broken.

Biggie has Chokeslammed his way to two WCW World Heavy weight belts, an ECW World Heavyweight Championship, two WWF/E World Heavyweight titles, and countless Tag Team Victories across multiples leagues. Showstopper!!!

For some good fun, rent Knucklehead – a gentle giant of a movie about the rise and triumph of the biggest “little guy” in the world. And, due out Feb 2011 according to Wikipedia – The Big Show: A Giant’s World – three disk DVD.

Big show
Big show
Big show
Big show
Big show
Big show
Big show

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